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Modern Art Research Institute of the NAA of Ukraine (MARI of the NAA V) is the only research institution in Ukraine that carries out fundamental scientific research in various fields of contemporary art, as well as practical and research studies, aimed at the formation of professional contemporary art and architecture, the implementation of new art technologies and practices, the further formation of national culture, the preparation and publication of monographs, collections of scientific papers on the main directions of scientific activity of the Institute.
The Postgraduate Studies of the MARI of the NAAU provides graduate training at the third educational and scientific level of higher education for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the Major 034 "Cultural Studies", Field of Knowledge 03 "Humanities".
The training of applicants for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the postgraduate study of the Institute is financed by the state budget (by state order).
Upon completion of a Master's degree (Specialist's degree), applicants for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy submit an application to the Admissions Committee in person.Applicants shall attach to the application:– a copy of an identity document;– a copy of a state-issued document on the previously obtained educational (qualification) level and a copy of the supplement thereto (for those who have completed their higher education abroad, the equivalence of the submitted diploma shall be established in accordance with the "Procedure for the Recognition of Higher Education Degrees Obtained in Foreign Higher Education Institutions" approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 952 dated 05.08.2016);– autobiography, personnel record sheet;– military ID card or certificate of registration (for persons liable for military service);– consent to the collection and processing of personal data;– 2 3/4 ratio photographs;– a medical certificate of health and welfare form No. 086-у;– a copy of the tax number certificate;– reference from the academic council of the higher education institution/research institution (if any);– a copy of the employment record book (if available);– certificate from the employer (if any);– an international certificate of at least B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages or a corresponding level (if available);– list of published scientific works and their copies (if available).
Applicants submit a research proposal and a scientific essay on a topic of their choice.
Postgraduate Admission Rules (for 2023)
Syllabus of the Admission Examination to the Postgraduate Studies at the MARI of the NAA of Ukraine in the Major 034 "Cultural Studies"
Foreign Language Entrance Exam Syllabus
Research Proposal Letter Sample