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The supreme governing authority of the Academy shall be the General Meeting summoned by the Presidium of the Academy as required, but at least once a year. The General Meeting may also be summoned at the written request of at least one-third of the total number of full members (academicians) and corresponding members of the Academy.
Resolutions of the General Meeting of the Academy shall be adopted by open voting by a simple majority of votes in attendance of at least two-thirds of the Academy members.
The General Meeting is attended by: full members (academicians) and corresponding members, honorary academicians, foreign members, heads and representatives of scientific and creative institutions of the Academy.
According to the statutory provisions of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, the main activities of the General Meeting are as follows:
The Presidium, chaired by the President of the NAA of Ukraine, manages the work of the Academy and controls compliance with the Charter (Statute) of the NAA of Ukraine in the period between sessions of the General Meeting of the Academy.
The Presidium consists of the President, Vice-Presidents, Chief Scientific Secretary and Academicians-Secretaries of the Departments. Meetings of the Presidium are usually held monthly.
The President and other members of the Presidium are elected for a term of five years by secret ballot by the General Meeting of the Academy exclusively from among academicians by a simple majority of votes. The President organizes the work of the Academy and its Presidium and is personally responsible for their activities, heads the Presidium and the Bureau of the Presidium, coordinates the implementation of decisions of the General Meeting of the Academy, approves the regulations on the structural units of the Presidium and the job descriptions of their heads, issues orders and instructions, etc.
The Presidium of the Academy has an editorial and publishing council, scientific councils, committees and commissions on specific artistic issues. The Presidium has a permanent Administrative Office that ensures the implementation of its decisions.
According to the statutory provisions of the NAA of Ukraine, the main activities of the Presidium are as follows:
Bureau of the Presidium for Operational Issues
To consider and promptly resolve current issues of the Academy's activities, to manage and control the work of research and creative institutions, enterprises and organisations within the jurisdiction of the Academy, the Bureau of the Presidium of the Academy, consisting of the President, Vice-Presidents and Chief Scientific Secretary, is established by decision of the Presidium.
The decision of the Bureau of the Presidium shall have the force of a decision of the Presidium of the Academy.
of the President and Chief Scientific Secretary
Chief Internal Auditor