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The foreign members of the Academy are scientists, culture and art figures known to the international scientific and artistic community - foreigners cooperating with scientific and creative institutions, enterprises and organisations within the jurisdiction of the Academy, and art communities of Ukraine.
Candidates for foreign members are nominated by the General Meeting of the Departments and elected by the General Meeting of the Academy. Academicians and corresponding members participate in the voting. Elections are considered valid if at least two-thirds of the academicians and corresponding members of the Academy are present at the Meeting. Persons shall be deemed elected if at least two-thirds of the Academy members who participated in the voting have cast their votes.
Barczuk Krzysztof (Poland)
Foreign member of the Academy (2009) Photographer
Wang Baochen (China)
Foreign member of the Academy (2022) Painter
Wang Chenghao (China)
Foreign member of the Academy (2017) Artist
Ye Guozhen (China)
Foreign member of the Academy (2022) Master of ceramics
Tudor Zbirnia (Moldova)
Foreign member of the Academy (2022) Artist
Yin Xiangming (China)
Foreign member of the Academy (2016) Master of ceramics
Tursunali Karimovich Kuziev (Uzbekistan)
Foreign member of the Academy (2012) Artist
Liu Conxi (China)
Foreign member of the Academy (2017) Artist
Long Shian (China)
Foreign member of the Academy (2018) Sculptor
Lu Jinxi (China)
Foreign member of the Academy (2022) Master of ceramics
Jerzy Malinowski (Poland)
Foreign member of the Academy (2020) Art historian
Mudrak Myroslava Maria (USA)
Foreign member of the Academy (2020) Art critic
Elena Ovchinnikova (USA)
Foreign member of the Academy (2021) Artist
Payne Nicholas (UK)
Foreign member of the Academy (2022) Musician
Valentin Popov (USA)
Foreign member of the Academy (2016) Artist
Tartan Radu Ioan (Romania)
Foreign member of the Academy (2020) Artist
Umarbekov Javlyat Yusupovich (Uzbekistan)
Foreign member of the Academy (2012) Artist
Fan Yan (China)
Foreign member of the Academy (2019) Artist
Fatkulin Masut Makhmudovich (Uzbekistan)
Foreign member of the Academy (2013) Artist
He Shuifa (China)
Foreign member of the Academy (2013) Artist
Zublin-Timoshenko Elisabeth (Switzerland)
Foreign member of the Academy (2017) Musician, public figure
Chen Pengfei (China)
Foreign member of the Academy (2022) Master of ceramics
Chuan Shan Shi (China)
Foreign member of the Academy (2009) Artist
Yu Yaoming (China)
Foreign member of the Academy (2016) Artist