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is a self-administered scientific organisation in the field of culture and arts, based on state ownership.
The Academy of Arts of Ukraine was founded under Decree No. 1209 of the President of Ukraine, dated December 14, 1996. It became an outstanding event for the artistic and scientific community of the country. Considering the professional achievements of the Academy, the institution was granted the status of the ‘national’ by the Decree of the President of Ukraine under No. 191 dated 18.02.2010.
The Academy interacts with the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, as well as other central and local executive authorities, the National Academy of Sciences, other branch academies of sciences, creative unions, art institutions and educational establishments.
NAA of Ukraine Mission
The activity of the Academy is a form of support and the continuation of the glorious traditions of the Ukrainian people in the field of art, the science of art and culture, and art education, an effective tool for the fulfilment of social and cultural needs and aspirations of the nation.
The further effective work of the Academy, as a self-administered scientific organisation in the field of culture and arts, based on state ownership, is of utmost importance for the development of the best traditions of the past and present, the implementation of fundamental art and cultural studies in the history and theory of visual, musical, theatrical and decorative arts, cinema, architecture and design.
According to the statutory provisions of the NAAU, the principal activities are as follows:
NAA of Ukraine Institutions