Published Books
● Spatial Environs of the Theory of Architecture: Experience of Architectonic Gesture and Cultural Context. Kiev: NIITIAG, 1994. 84 с.● Architectonics of the Book, or Metempsychosis of the Bibliophile: Architect I. F. Rerberg and the Domestic Book of the 1930s. Kiev: NIITIAG, 1995. 44 p.: ill.● Architectural Studies. Kiev: NIITIAG, 1996. 104 с. ISBN 5-8238-0430-X.● Gabrichevsky: The Concept of Architectural Organism in the Thought Process of the 20-30s. Kiev: Izd. dom A. S. S., 1997. 156 p.: ill. ISBN 5-7707-8973-5.● The Paradox of Antiquity: The Principle of Artistic-Plastic Corporeality of Antique Architecture. Kiev: NIITIAG, 1998. 408 с. ISBN 966-7452-02-6.● Julian Kulakovsky and His Time: From the History of Anticology and Byzantine Studies in Russia. Kiev: Izd. dom A. C. C., 2000. 352, XXXII p. ill. - ISBN 966-7452-03-4.● Pointillism of Antique Space, or Architecture in Plato's Aesthetics. Kiev: Izd. dom A. C. C., 2000. 56 p.: ill. ISBN 966-7452-13-1.● Julian Kulakovsky and His Time: From the History of Antiquity and Byzantine Studies in Russia. 2nd ed., rev. and supplement. St. Petersburg: Aleteia, 2004. 478 с. ISBN 5-89329-648-6.● [Archived July 20, 2018, at the Wayback Machine.] ● [Archived July 20, 2018, at the Wayback Machine.] ● [Archived July 20, 2018, at the Wayback Machine.] ● Sine quibus non: Portraits (Album of author's linocuts). Kiev: A+S Publishing House, 2006. 64 p.: ill. ISBN 966-8613-05-8.● [Archived July 20, 2018, at the Wayback Machine.]● [Archived July 20, 2018, at the Wayback Machine.]● [Archived July 20, 2018, at the Wayback Machine.]● [Archived July 20, 2018, at the Wayback Machine.]● [Archived July 20, 2018, at the Wayback Machine.]● [Archived July 20, 2018, at the Wayback Machine.]● Osip Mandelstam's "Kyiv" in Intonations, Explanations, and Pictures. Kyiv: DUKH I LITERA, 2015. 216 p.: ill., color. ISBN 978-966-378-395-6.● About Texts, Contexts, and Prejudices: Five Literary Criticism Funniments / IPSI NAI of Ukraine. Kyiv: Phoenix, 2016. 128 p.: ill. ISBN 978-966-136-326-6.● In the Open Air: Kyiv Essays / Drawings by S. Simakova. Kyiv: Dukh i Litera, 2017. 304 p., illus. ISBN 978-966-378-512-7.● Art Historian Hryhorii Pavlutsky, the First Ukrainian. New York: Diamond, 2018. 144 p.: ill., portrait. ISBN 978-1-68082-011-9.● "Kyiv" by Osip Mandelstam in Intonations, Explanations, Pictures. Ed. 2nd, corrected, revised and supplemented. Kyiv: DUKH I LITERA, 2015. 224 p.: ill., color. ISBN 978-966-378-588-2.● Between the Navigational Masts: Profiles of Ukrainian Art Historians (architecture and visual art). Kyiv: Dukh i Litera, 2018. 392 p.: 5 pages of portraits (Series: "Cultural Figures"). ISBN 978-966-378-620-9.● Kulakovius: The Kyiv Professor of Roman Literature in the Shavings of Time (Epic). New York: Diamond, 2019. 1136 p.: 480 illus. ISBN 1-68082-014-1.● Byzantine Vaults of Julian Kulakovsky: Kyivan Contexts / Translated from Russian by Kateryna Stanislavska. Kyiv: Dukh i Litera, 2020. 336 p.: 16 p. (Series: "Cultural Figures"). ISBN 978-966-378-748-0.● The Persistent Trolling of a Trickster: Metadramaturgy of Oleksandr Korniychuk. Kyiv: Dukh i Litera, 2021. 608 p.: 24 p. ill. (Series: "Cultural Figures"). ISBN 978-966-378-839-5.● Gabrychevsky and the Surrounding Area: The Theory of the Architectural Organism of the 1920s and 1930s. New York: Diamond, 2022. 280 p.: ill. ISBN 978-68082-018-8.● Architectonics of Ancient Culture: Building of Architectural Antiquity. Kyiv: Dukh i Litera, 2021. 448 p.: 42 illus.