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The NAA Ukraine, MARI of the NAA of Ukraine and Die Angewandte entered into a Memorandum of Cooperation.
The National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, the Modern Art Research Institute of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine and the Vienna University of Applied Arts (Die Angewandte) in order to develop, revitalize and strengthen cooperation in the field of artistic research and education between Austria and Ukraine, as well as to share experiences in the artistic and cultural sphere, have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation.
The act of subscribing took place in recognition of the achievements of our Academy as an artistic institution and as a sign of solidarity with the people of Ukraine in response to Russian military aggression. The Memorandum was signed by the three parties to the agreement: the President of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Academician Victor Sydorenko, the Director of the Modern Art Research Institute of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Professor Ihor Savchuk, and Rector of the Vienna University of Applied Arts, Professor Gerald Bast.
The Memorandum, initiated by the Department of International Scientific and Artistic Relations of the NAA of Ukraine, will result in the effective use of the available intellectual resources of the two academies in the scientific, educational and artistic fields.
According to the Memorandum, the parties agreed to promote: development of joint research projects and joint participation in national and international competitions, programmes, and funds; exchange of scientific information; joint international scientific conferences; publication of research results in scientific journals founded by both academies; implementation of art projects.
The Academy would like to express its gratitude to Master of Philosophy Angelika Zelisko for her contribution to the successful signing of the Memorandum.