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Statutory Documents
Full name in Ukrainian: Національна академія мистецтв України
Abbreviated name in Ukrainian:НАМ України
Full name in English: National Academy of Arts of Ukraine
Abbreviated name in English: NAA of Ukraine
The National Academy of Arts of Ukraine was founded by the Order of the President of Ukraine No. 1209 "On the Academy of Arts of Ukraine" dated December 14, 1996
Order of the President of Ukraine No. 191/210 "On Granting the National Status to the Academy of Arts of Ukraine" dated February 18, 2010
Resolution No. 977 on approval of the Charter (Statute/Articles of Association) of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, dated June 15, 2000
Charter (Statute/Articles of Association) of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine (new edition)
Regulations on the Awards of the NAA of Ukraine
Gold medal, Silver medal, Honorary diploma of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine
Awarding the Order of Arts badge of the NAA of Ukraine
Grand Gold and Grand Silver Medals of the NAA of Ukraine