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The Department of Art Theory and History includes 16 members: 6 academicians and 10 corresponding members.
The Department of Art Theory and History is a nucleus in the national network, which in addition to accumulating the achievements of scholars from different regions of Ukraine, endeavours to develop modern methodologies and teaching methods, to focus on integrative processes to combine different areas of humanitarian knowledge and to foster the integration of Ukrainian culture into the global network.
In the context of the growing role of art history as an important factor in the balanced development of the individual and society, the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine becomes the creative and scientific centre where art history is represented in almost all its areas.
The Academic Secretary of the Department is an Academician of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, PhD in Art History, Professor, Honoured Artist of Ukraine, and Honoured Worker of Culture of Poland O.Fedoruk; his deputies are Academician of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, PhD in Art History, Les Kurbas Prize winner N.Korniyenko, Doctor of Architecture, Professor M.Dyomin.
Full members (academicians) of the Department: PhD in Philosophy, Professor V.Bitaev, PhD in Art History, Professor M.Hubarenko, PhD in Art History, Professor T.Kara-Vasylieva, PhD in Art History N.Kornienko, PhD in Art History, Professor N.Persydska, PhD in Art History, Professor H.Stelmashchuk, PhD in Art History, Professor O.Fedoruk.
Corresponding members: PhD in Art History V.Haydabura, PhD in Architecture, Professor M.Dyomin, PhD in Art History, Professor O.Zinkevych, PhD in Art History, Professor O.Klekovkin, PhD in Art History, Professor O.Lahutenko, PhD Candidate of Arts, Professor O.S.Musienko, PhD in Art History, Professor S.Poritska (Hrytsa), PhD in Art History, Professor O.Sokol, PhD in Art History, Professor A.Tereshchenko, PhD in Art History I.Yudkin. The department's Scientific Secretary is PhD Candidate, Senior Researcher P.Kharchenko.
In the last quarter of the 20th - early 21st century, the development of national artistic culture, humanities and natural sciences generated new approaches to the analysis of processes and phenomena occurring in the socio-cultural environment of the state, in particular, identified and defined the priority areas of national art history.
In this new context, national art history, as presented by the Department of Art Theory and History of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, demonstrates significant methodological and theoretical achievements, a powerful flow of experimental thought, and the latest historical and analytical research activities.
At the same time, the members of the Department focus on expanding links with international art research practice. A breakthrough in the hermeticism of art history - access to international contacts, as well as the integration of scientific thought into the international cultural community (international conferences, symposia and roundtables) is gaining momentum. Due to the efforts of the Department of Art Theory and History of the NAA of Ukraine, research and popularisation of the highest achievements of Ukrainian artistic culture and artistic figures are actively growing, and the scope of specific art research is gradually increasing.
Academic Secretary: V.Korniyenko Deputy Academic Secretary: N.Korniyenko, О.FedorukDepartment Office (Bureau): V.Korniyenko, О.Fedoruk, N.Korniyenko, M.Dyomin, O.Lahutheno, S.Tyshko Scientific Secretary: P.Kharchenko
Telephone: 486-37-41