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BoychukFest art festival was held in Kyiv city in early September.
Kyiv State Academy of Decorative and Applied Arts and Design named after Mykhailo Boychuk held a two-day art festival BoychukFest, intended to combine modern and traditional Ukrainian culture. The festival showcased weaving, embroidery, costume, artistic ceramics, wooden sculpture, metalwork, drawing, painting and design. The festival was attended by artists who lecture at the Boychuk Academy and students of the Academy, masters of decorative arts, poets, theatre performers, art historians and representatives of other cultural fields.
At the opening of BoychukFest on 12 September, the Vice President of the NAA of Ukraine, Corresponding Member of the NAA of Ukraine Yuriy Vakulenko delivered a speech on behalf of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine to the participants of the new art project.
The exhibition, master classes, lectures on Ukrainian art, film screenings, theatre and poetry stages at BoychukFest provide an important link between modernity and traditional Ukrainian culture.
Based on news from the web and Facebook