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The focus of Yakovliev's scientific activity is the research of the composition patterns in fine and decorative arts, design and architecture.
He is the author of more than 100 scientific publications on the challenges of applied geometry, graphics, design, monographs "Principles of Artistic Formation" (2000) and "Composition + Geometry" (2007), and the textbook "Fundamentals of Composition".
He holds the position of the editor-in-chief of the scientific and methodological cross-university collection "Technical Aesthetics and Design", a member of specialised councils for the defence of PhD Candidate and PhD theses in the specialities "Theory of Fine Arts", "Theory, History and Restoration of Architecture", "Technical Aesthetics".
● 1948 — born on 10 June in the village of Nitsakha, Trostianets district, Sumy region● 1976 — graduated from the Kyiv State Art Institute with a degree in Architecture● 1976—1979 — lectured at the Department of Graphics at the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute● 1976—2004 — Lecturer, Head of the Department of Theory, History of Architecture and Synthesis of Arts, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture at the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture● 2004—2007 — Rector of the Mykhailo Boichuk Kyiv State Academy of Decorative and Applied Arts and Design● 2002—2004 — Corresponding Member of the NAA of Ukraine● 2007 — elected as the Chief Scientific Secretary of the NAA of Ukraine● 2015 — elected Vice-President of the NAA of Ukraine● 2017 — elected First Vice-President of the NAA of Ukraine● Member of the National Union of Architects of Ukraine● Honorary Doctor of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (2011)