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The Department of Drama (Theatre Arts) includes 15 members:7 academicians and 8 corresponding members.
Drama Department's activities are aimed at sustaining the high professional level and development of theatre art.
Prominent figures of national performing arts strive for theatre to foster benevolence and harmony in human souls, preserve the best national traditions and at the same time enrich itself with the achievements of world stage culture.
The academic secretary of the department is the Hero of Ukraine, People's Artist of Ukraine, laureate of the Taras Shevchenko National Prize of Ukraine, Professor M.Reznikovych; the deputy secretary is the corresponding member of the NAA of Ukraine, PhD Candidate in Art History, Professor R.Kolomiiets. Full members (academicians) of the Department: O.Bezghin, B.Kozak, M.Levitska, Y.Mazhuga, T.Nazarova, F.Stryhun, M.Reznikovych; corresponding members: N.Vladymyrova, M.Zakharevych, R.Kolomiiets, Zh.Melnykov, P.Panchuk, Y.Shevchenko.
The main areas of research of the department's scholars are the development of conceptual foundations for reforming the theatre industry, improving drama education, theatre theory and practice, creating new pages in the history of contemporary Ukrainian theatre, researching the challenges faced by Ukrainian musical and musical-dramatic theatre, the achievements and challenges of the higher drama studies in Ukraine in the context of contemporary theatre development, and participation in the development of state legislation on the development of the theatre industry in Ukraine.
The members of the department take part in numerous tours in Ukraine and abroad, hold festivals and participate in scientific and practical conferences, chair juries of prestigious international theatre festivals, give lectures, and speeches, as well as interviews to the media, participate in television and radio programmes on theatrical art, create monographic studies on the history of national theatre, make publications in the media, hold scientific conferences on theatre education in Ukraine, participate in the activities of the State Examination Commissions of higher education institutions, commissions of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, Supervisory Boards of National Theatres, and supervise theses on theatre.
The Drama Department takes action to improve theatre studies education, including the introduction of an experimental course at the Kyiv National I. K. Karpenko-Kary University of Theatre, Cinema and Television, where future theatre scholars study their specialities and participate in the performance process at all stages of the production. Members of the department are also engaged in the provision of methodological advice to Ukrainian theatres.
Academic Secretary: Oleksiy BezginDeputy Academic Secretaries: M.Zakharevych, A.Solovyanenko Department Office (Bureau): O.Bezgin, М.Zakharevych, А.SolovyanenkoScientific Secretary: N.Vladymyrova
Telephone: 234-95-09; 235-42-50 (fax)